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Author chat: Kereen Getten

Interviewed by Fabia Turner

Following the hotly anticipated release of her third Di Island Crew Investigates chapter book, we caught up with wonderful Kereen Getten to hear more about this refreshing, Caribbean-based detective series, her life and work as a children’s author, and her inspirational homeland of Jamaica. She also gave us some brilliant music recommendations too!

The Case of the Abandoned Boat is the third book in your first children’s, detective mystery series. What inspired you to write these books?

After writing two pretty heavy books, I wanted to create something fun and light-hearted. The detective series came to me while I was editing If You Read This. I was so desperate for light relief. Also, as someone who loved mysteries as a kid, I really wanted to write Caribbean kids being detectives while also being kids.

The books are set in your homeland of Jamaica. What are your fondest memories of growing up there?

I remember, quite vividly, playing games in our front yard until the sun set, and picking fruit off the ground that had fallen off our trees. My cousin and I loved playing Rich From England. LOL! We did that a lot!

Can you tell us about the place in Jamaica that Lighthouse Island is based on?

Lighthouse Island is part of a group of tiny islands off Jamaica that I only recently found out about. Some of the islands are uninhabited and a few like Lighthouse Island have seasonal visitors. I chose this one because I saw a video of wealthy Jamaicans taking their boats there for day trips. The island is empty but it sparked the idea.

Your rich setting descriptions are always so beautiful, vivid and extremely atmospheric. How do you do this so exquisitely?

I’m not sure! I’m never quite certain I’ve pulled that off! I do try and sit in the scene, meaning I imagine I am in the scene and write what I see and feel around me.

Mama was more involved in the action this time. Was this a conscious decision?

Yes, she had this underlying storyline with her brother that I felt could only be addressed if she was on the island. I also wanted her to be more than this working mum who didn’t have time for Fayson. I’d hinted that they had a great relationship and felt it was time to show it.

Which Di Island Crew agent do you relate to most: Fayson, Gaby or Tia? And why?

Fayson is the most like me. She likes to read; she has a big imagination, and I was very much like her when I was younger.

Socio-economic status and class are strong themes in this and some of your other work. How important is it to address this in stories about modern Jamaican communities?

I think it’s important to acknowledge that there is a huge gap between rich and poor. To have written Fayson’s story, or Clara’s story, without acknowledging that would not be true, or do either story justice I feel.

All your books, so far, feature female leads. Is there a particular reason for this?

It’s never been a conscious decision, but I think I’ve written from a perspective I know. I have been thinking about changing that as I’ve been asked this by readers a few times. I think if I find the right story to tell then I would love to do it.

Seven books in; what’s next? Any news you’d like to share?

I am currently working on a few projects. Not ready to share yet but very excited to be trying new things and exploring new avenues. I can, however, say we have one more book in this series coming later in the year.

What’s your fave dish?

Jerk chicken and rice and peas, or jerk chicken with boiled dumpling and boiled banana.

And finally, name THREE tracks from your Spotify playlist that inspire your writing.

Ooh! As someone who is obsessed with Spotify, I love this question! I have different songs depending on what I’m writing but for this book series, my top three would be:

  1. Living It Up by Damian Marley
  2. What About Your Friends by TLC
  3. The Voices of Sweet Jamaica by Shaggy, Mr Vegas, Barrington Levy et al

The Case of the Abandoned Boat, published by Pushkin Childrens, is out now. Thanks to Kereen and Pushkin Press for the advanced book proof.

To read more about Di Island Crew mystery series, check out our IBC reviews:

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