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Lists of the best inclusive books for ages 1, 2 and 3

Welcome to our collection of lists of brilliant, diverse books for babies and preschoolers!

These are our recommendations of the very best stories for ages 1, 2 and 3.

We’re here to help you build a diverse bookshelf from the get-go, whether you’re excitedly preparing for a new baby, or stocking up your nursery reading corner.

⁠From exciting, everyday mini adventures to calming bedtime stories, discover our curated lists of beautiful, always diverse board books, picture books and interactive books, perfect for our littlest readers aged between 1 and 3.

Children pick up on social cues from a very young age, and research has shown that by the age of 5, children may exhibit the same racial attitudes as the adults around them. Indeed, the Birth to Five Matters guidance developed by the Early Years Coalition suggests sharing ‘books… that depict identities which actively challenge stereotypical representations and avoid tokenism.’

A story landscape as rich in diversity as our society makes a good starting point in providing children with a balanced perspective. This is where we come in. Our aim is to make it easy to find a great selection of wonderful, inclusive books for children!